WindscreenStone Chip Repair

Land Rover Defender Windscreens

Land Rover Defender Windscreens

Land Rover Defender Windscreens with new rubbers in Kingsteignton . This morning we fitted new windscreen rubbers to three Land Rover Defenders / 90/ 110. The Land Rover Defender windscreen rubbers usually start to split on the corners after a couple of years and sooner or later will need replacing.

The Defender windscreen rubbers we use to replace your old perished rubbers are about the best fitting Defender windscreen rubbers on the market, they are extremely supple which aids the fitting of the windscreen and have a proper vulcanised join which ensures a perfect join without leaks. A lot of aftermarket rubbers are basically poor quality hard rubber superglued together on the joins, which fit extremely poorly and increase the risk of glass breakage on installation.

If you require a new windscreen rubber for your Land Rover Defender, County, 110 or 90 ring us for a quote on 01626 445186. Due to the wide range of cheap low quality windscreen rubbers now available on the internet we only fit our own supplied windscreen rubbers from our own suppliers or local dealers.

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